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Efest LUSH Q4 Intelligent LED Charger
211,31 kr.
- tlf: 77 34 78 30
Efest - Lush Q4 Intelligent LED Charger
Lush Q4'eren fra Efest er en klassisk og stilren oplader, med akkurat de funktioner man ønsker og intet andet, for at holde det dejlig simpelt.
Kort om Efest Lush Q4 oplader
- HD display med opladningsindikator.
- God stabil opladning med 1-2A.
- 4 typer beskyttelse mod overopladning, kortslutning og fejl-pol placering.
- Kan oplade 4 batterier ad gangen.

Short Description | The Efest LUSH Q4 Charger is a quad slot charger with which automatically charges at a fast 2.0A charge with a single battery, a 1.0A charge with two batteries and a 0.5A charge with three or four batteries. This Lush Q4 features a simple no button design with a battery life LED indicator light The LED indicates when your battery is charging and when the battery is fully charged. Each slot is monitored independently to provide the most efficient charge. |